March 31, 2010
To my surprise my doctor called me Monday morning with my results. He stated the biopsy showed the node was not malignant just inflammed and infected. However my doctor said he was not convinced and was still sure it was hodgkins with all my swollen nodes and symptoms. So I'm going under the knife again. In 2 days they will cut me open again, take another small node, take a wedge from the large one on my neck that is about the size of an orange, plus do a needle biopsy on the largest node just to make sure they have enough.
Like my doctor said, if it isn't HL, its something and we've got to figure it out. This will be a riskier surgery due to the location of the largest node on my neck so that makes me even more nervous. I was terrified at the last surgery and I'm feeling scared again even though the surgery was a piece of cake. Hopefully this time I'll stay calm and the nurse won't have to baby me by calling my mom and letting me watch looney tunes with the 9 year old in the bed next to me.
I am still meeting with my oncologist tomorrow even though I already have my results. I just have a million questions and I'm going to just drill him. Maybe Alex Trebek style and make him answer in the form of a question. Yeah that sounds great!
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